OUR VALUES... the foundation of everything we do.
For more than 125 years, our core values, safety priority, code of ethics, as well as our ongoing focus on customer service, have provided a strong foundation for the stability and sustainability of our company. These principles contribute to our overall philosophy, help us build a strong company culture, and guide us in our daily work and decision making.
The following four core values are visible throughout our organization and our employees are asked to renew their commitment to live by them every day.

INTEGRITY – Our actions are consistent with our words and values.
TRUST – We strive to earn the confidence of our customers and coworkers by communicating honestly, accurately and sincerely.
RESPECT – We treat others with courtesy, dignity and fairness.
RESPONSIBILITY – We take ownership for results, accept accountability for our actions and lead by example.
Our values tell the world what we believe and what they can expect from us. Along with our other key priorities and guiding principles, they are vitally important to our success. A more detailed description of our values can be found here.
In addition to our values, we are committed to the highest standards of ethical, moral and legal business conduct as articulated in our Statement of Business Ethics and Code of Business Conduct. These strengthen our commitment to our values by setting forth specific expectations on how we will behave when involved in business-related activities. In addition, our Whistleblower Policy provides an avenue for anonymous reporting of actions that are believed to be a violation these codes.
Finally, our company is absolutely committed to the safety and well being of our employees. Our internal mantra is “Everyone Home Safely” and this is our number one company priority. Our Safety Policy outlines this priority and our safety commitment and is posted in every facility across the company.
We strive to continuously improve our safety and health performance by reinforcing our safety culture throughout the company. At the foundation of our employee safety and health program are the leading indicators of training, voluntary inspections and joint safety and health committees. We track safety and health performance with all other business metrics, with the goal to achieve zero injuries and zero vehicle accidents.
Our Values at Work
Just as we demonstrate a commitment to our customers through extraordinary service and quality, we also demonstrate a commitment to our values through volunteering, donations and community outreach. Through our annual company-wide Day of Service, employees at all of our U.S. and Canadian branches are given the opportunity to spend all or part of their workday volunteering or making product or service donations to organizations in their local community. To learn more about our most recent service efforts, click here.
We're Here to Help!
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